Hoppy Days

Tri Rex Program


It all started when…

Tri is both a beautiful and challenging color to breed. With so few breeders nationally, and almost none in the southwest region, we wanted to take our quality and start the long journey of breeding them hoping to introduce the variety to this part of the country and also hopefully improve the variety nationally.

Our Goal

We strive to have the superior color quality of self-based Tri, which made it difficult to get started as most Tri Rex are agouti-based. We also breed self in our main program, so doing self-based Tri was a natural path for us.


Our Tri are not available for any purpose. We intend to keep the premium quality of the herds’ genetics exclusive for breeders who are committed to bettering the variety nationally. At this time, unless otherwise posted on the Facebook page, the only Tri we will make publicly available will be donated to the Rex Auction at Nationals and Convention.